Disabled Parking Bays

A disabled parking bay is a parking space in a residential area, marked for Blue Badge holders only. The bay is marked with white paint with the words ‘disabled’ at the edge of the box.

A disabled parking bay can be used by any Blue Badge holder and is not exclusively for the applicant’s use. The parking bays are advisory only and not enforceable and as such a non-blue badge holder may park there without being penalised. Wiltshire Council can mark-up disabled parking bays if the resident requesting the disabled parking bay meets the required criteria and if the Highways Department approve the location.

To be considered for a Disabled Parking Bay, an assessment will be undertaken by an Occupational Therapist employed by Wiltshire Council Adult Social Care. The Occupational Therapist will use the guidance in the Occupational Therapy guidelines to decide whether a disabled parking bay is indicated.

To request an assessment a referral should be made to the Adult Social Care Team on 0300 456 0111 or email customeradvisors@wiltshire.gov.uk.

Once the Occupational Therapist has agreed that the person is eligible for a disabled parking bay, the Highways Team will assess the location to ensure that it is safe. Once the location is approved by the Highways Team, arrangements will be made for the bay to be painted. It has been agreed that unless there is an urgent requirement, the Highways Team will arrange for the bays to be painted once there has been approval for approximately 10 bays. Line painting will need to be scheduled and is subject to weather conditions, hence can be subject to delays. An indicative date of lining will be given at the time of approval.

Existing Disabled Parking Bays

The paint on the disabled parking bay usually lasts for about 5 years. If an existing parking bay requires re-painting, then the resident should contact the Adult Social Care team in the first instance on 0300 456 0111. If the Disabled Parking Bay is still appropriate, then the Adult Care Team will contact the Highways Team to arrange the re-painting.

If there are any further questions please contact:
Carolyn Hamblett (Acting Associate Director, Adult Social Care) on 01225 713118 or email Carolyn.hamblett@wiltshire.gov.uk

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